Title: Cook, George M.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 230.

Keywords:clinical recordscontinued feverstyphoid feverevidence of malarial affectiontypho-malarial and typhoid feversSeminary Hospital casesrelapsediarrhœaeruptionwakefulnessenteric feverintermittent feverpain in bowelsappetite poorabdominal tenderness and tympanitesrose-colored spotsrheumatism

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e3174

TEI/XML: med.d1e3174.xml

CASE 59.—Relapse manifested by diarrhœa, eruption, wakefulness and increased temperature.—Sergt. George M. Cook, Co. G, 3d Mich. Vols.; age 23; was admitted Oct. 19, 1861. He had previously suffered from rheumatism, intermittent fever and enteric fever, and while convalescing from the last, about October 14, he was seized with a chill followed by fever and perspiration, wakefulness, thirst, diarrhœa and pain in the bowels. His case on admission was diagnosed typhoid fever. On the 20th he was wakeful, his eyes dull, cheeks not flushed, pulse 66, full and strong, skin somewhat above the natural temperature, tongue red, slightly moist and with a few yellowish patches in the centre, appetite poor; he had six stools with some general abdominal tenderness and tympanites. A few rose-colored spots appeared next day, but otherwise his condition was unaltered. On the 22d he slept well; the pulse rose to 74 and was regular and strong; the skin was of the natural temperature; the tongue flabby and patched with a white fur; the appetite continued poor and the diarrhœa active, the abdominal tenderness being more marked on the right side. After this the diarrhœa gradually lessened, the tongue became clean and the appetite good. Up to the end of the month he was troubled with a slight cough with yellowish expectoration. He was returned to duty Nov. 7.