Title: Harrington, W. H.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 220.

Keywords:clinical recordscontinued feversheadache, nauseadebilitypains in the limbsdiarrhœatypho-malarial and typhoid feversSeminary Hospital casestyphoid casestyphoid feverdeafness and aphonia

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e2099

TEI/XML: med.d1e2099.xml

CASE 17.—Deafness and aphonia the prominent symptoms; diarrhœa; rose-colored spots on the 6th day; improvement on the 21st.—Private W. H. Harrington, Co. G, 22d Mass.; age 19; was taken sick March 1, 1862, with headache, nausea, debility, pains in the limbs and diarrhœa, and was admitted next day as a case of typhoid fever. No details are given until the 6th, when he was reported as weak, dull looking, very deaf and aphonic; he had epistaxis, cough, accompanied with epigastric pain, and rose-colored spots on the abdomen and chest. His skin was hot and dry; face congested; eyelids puffy; tongue moist and coated; stools frequent and watery. Quinine was given. The symptoms continued, being at times more or less aggravated, until the 21st, when the deafness was much diminished, the voice nearly recovered, the tongue cleaning and the bowels regular. A discharge issued from the left ear on the night of the 16th. On the 27th the general health was improving rapidly. On the 29th the patient was walking about. On April 15 he was discharged from the service on account of a contusion, the particulars of which do not appear on the record.