CASE.—Sergeant Augustus Reinwald, Co. G, 42d Pennsylvania Volunteers, was wounded at the battle of South Mountain, Maryland, September 14th, 1862, by a conoidal ball, which entered the left side of the face at base of nose, passed backward, and emerged from behind the right ear, separating the mastoid process of the temporal bone. He became insensible. For several hours after return of consciousness there was bleeding from mouth, ear, and eye. On September 29th, he was admitted to the Patent Office Hospital, Washington, and on October 5th sent to Ladies Home Hospital, New York City. The portio dura and third pair of nerves were paralyzed. There was loss of vision of right eye, and of sensation and mobility of right side of face. The patient was unable to swallow or open his mouth. Febrile action set in, which, together with pain in head and profuse suppuration of wound, rapidly reduced the strength of the patient. He became pale, weak, and emaciated; skin was moist, appetite poor; pulse regular, slow, and compressible; the eye was lachrymose, and the mouth drawn to opposite side. The wound in the face healed, but the posterior wound continued to discharge profusely. He was discharged on March 21st, 1863, and pensioned, his disability being rated one-half, by Pension Examiner A. B. Mott.