. . . eight [cases] are briefly recorded in the foot-note.¹

¹ . . . 8. Pt. H. Marlatt, G, 12th Illinois Cavalry, aged 19 years, was wounded at Upperville, June 21st, 1863. He was admitted to a Cavalry field hospital, where Surgeon J. B. W. MITCHELL, 8th Pennsylvania Cavalry, noted: "Wound of left thigh by a pistol ball." Surgeon J. A. LIDELL, U. S. V., recorded his admission to Stanton Hospital, Washington, June 23d, with "wound of thigh," and his "return to duty on November 25, 1863." It is believed, however, that the man did not return to active field service, but was discharged from the hospital only to accompany his command when changing station from the Army of the Potomac to the Western armies. He was subsequently admitted to Camp Gamble, whence he was transferred to the Lawson Hospital, St. Louis, on February 15, 1864. Surgeon C. T. ALEXANDER, U. S. A., reported: "Gunshot wound of left thigh two inches below Poupart s ligament; ball passing downward, inward, and lodging. Wound healed when admitted. General condition good; uses crutches. Patient discharged from service February 27, 1864." Examiner C. HAY, of Warsaw, Illinois, certified, December 20, 1865: "A pistol ball entered the anterior upper third of the thigh, ranging towards the hip joint. The joint was in all probability injured, as he has not been able to move the limb upward since the casualty. The ball was lodged in or near the hip joint, upon the thigh bone, and still rests there. The bones composing the hip joint are now carious. The urinary organs are much deranged in their functions."