CASE 868.—Private O. Leblanc, Co. E, 2d New Hampshire, aged 20 years, was wounded in the right foot, at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864, by a shell, which fractured the tarsal and metatarsal bones. Assistant Surgeon J. C. McKee, U. S. A., reported that the man was admitted to Lincoln Hospital, Washington, ten days after receiving the injury, also that the wounded foot had been removed by Pirogoff's method, on the field, by Surgeon J. M. Merrow, 2d New Hampshire. The patient subsequently passed through various hospitals, and was ultimately discharged from service June 16, 1865, and pensioned, having been previously fitted with a "Palmer" artificial foot. The cast (Spec. 3732), contributed by Acting Assistant Surgeon L. C. Dodge and represented in the adjoining cut (FIG. 342), shows an apparently firm cicatrix, but reveals the stump to be a little irregular and without the appearance of being able to sustain decided weight. The pensioner was paid December 4, 1880.¹

¹ SMITH (S.), Amputations at the Ankle Joint in Military Surgery, in U. S. San. Com. Memoirs, New York, 1871, Surgical Volume II, p. 132.

FIG. 342.—Stump after PIROGOFF'S amputation at left ankle joint. Spec. 3732.
FIG. 355.—PIROGOFF'S amputation at the ankle. [After ESMARCH.]