CASE 189.—Corporal Walter Angel, Co. K, 10th N. Y. Cav.; admitted Aug. 17, 1863, with typhoid fever. Died 20th. Post-mortem examination: Body slightly emaciated. The lungs, heart and pericardium were normal. The liver was congested; the gall-bladder somewhat distended; the spleen enlarged and congested, weight eleven ounces. The mesenteric and meso-colic glands were much enlarged and there was considerable venous congestion of the intestinal peritoneum. The mucous membrane of the lower jejunum and ileum was congested in patches, the congestion increasing progressively downwards, the last two feet being much congested, with, in the last six inches, several deep circular ulcers having yellow bases and raised edges; Peyer's patches were not elsewhere ulcerated. The colon was of a deep mahogany color, especially in the ascending portion. The pyramids of the kidneys were congested, the cortical substance pale.—Harewood Hospital, Washington, D. C.