CASE 158.—Private John Clark, Co. E, 16th Va.; age 21; was admitted Nov. 13, 1862, presenting a hot skin, frequent feeble pulse, dry, dark and furred tongue, diarrhœa, tympanitic and tender bowels and slight dulness​ on percussion over the lower lobes of the lungs; there were no rose-spots nor sudamina. The patient apparently did well during the day and slept comfortably the greater part of the night, but towards morning he became delirious, after which he sank rapidly, and died during the day. Post-mortem examination: The middle and lower lobes of the right lung were engorged; the left lung was slightly congested. The heart was normal. The peritoneal cavity contained a large quantity of serum mingled with fæcal matter; the great omentum was engorged and the mesenteric glands enlarged. The small intestine was greatly discolored, in some places nearly black; its mucous membrane was reddened and engorged with black blood; the patches of Peyer were inflamed and ten of them ulcerated, two of the ulcers having perforated. The liver and spleen were enlarged but of normal consistence; the kidneys were normal.—Third Division Hospital, Alexandria, Va.