The next case is from the case-book of STANTON HOSPITAL, Washington, D. C., Acting Assistant Surgeon Benjamin Wilson, U. S. V., in charge :

CASE 435.—Private Flavins J. Garrigus, company K, 140th Indiana volunteers; age 24; admitted from the 23d Army Corps February 3, 1865. Chronic diarrhœa. The patient was very much emaciated. He has had diarrhœa for about two months, the number of passages varying from five to fifteen in the twenty-four hours. The stools are mucoid and watery, but contain no blood; at times the abdominal pain is very great. The treatment consisted chiefly in the use of opium combined with astringents, such as sulphate of copper, acetate of lead, tannin, &c. Stimulants were also used freely. Died, February 19th. Autopsy four hours after death: The heart and lungs were normal. The mucous membrane of the lower part of the small intestine was very much thickened, softened and congested, but Peyer's patches were healthy, and there was no ulceration. Portions of the mucous membrane of the colon were also inflamed, but not thickened nor ulcerated.—Acting Assistant Surgeon D. Webster Prentiss.