Title: Courtwright, Peter

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion., Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 235.

Keywords:clinical records of continued feversevidence of malarial affectiontyphoid fevertypho-malarial and typhoid feversfebrile cases at Seminary Hospital, Georgetown, D. C.past liver and kidney disease

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e3620

TEI/XML: med.d1e3620.xml

CASE 76.—Record imperfect during first four weeks; delirium; diarrhœa; rose-spots from 29th to 39th day; convalescence on 40th day.—Private Peter Courtwright, Co. B, 1st Pa. Rifles; age 27. This man stated that he had suffered from some kidney trouble at the age of 20, and afterwards from both liver and kidney disease. About Sept. 12, 1861, he had chills followed by fever and sweating, with epistaxis, pain in the back and limbs and anorexia. He was admitted October 10, when he seemed stupid; his eyes were dull; cheeks flushed; pulse 90 and quick; skin hot and dry; tongue moist, red at the tip and edges, coated whitish in centre; appetite poor; the bowels quiet, but with some gurgling and slight tenderness in the left iliac and umbilical regions; a few rose-spots were noted. Dover's powder was given. On the 11th and 12th the general condition remained unaltered; the skin lost its heat but continued dry. Tincture of iron was ordered to be taken three times a day. On the l3th the eyes were dull, injected and suffused and the cheeks slightly flushed; the pulse had fallen to 60; a few rose-spots appeared on the chest and abdomen; three stools were passed, and there was pain on urinating. Profuse perspiration occurred during the night, and in the morning the patient looked bright but there was some mental derangement; the pulse was 46, full and firm; six stools were passed. Astringents were ordered. The condition on the 15th is not recorded, but on the following day there were more rose-spots, delirium, tinnitus aurium, six stools and umbilical tenderness; pulse 68. Tenderness and tympanites over the tranversetransverse colon accompanied six stools recorded on the 17th. There was less delirium on the 18th; the face had become pale and the eyes sunken; one stool was passed. Three stools were reported on the 19th and six on the 20th, on which day also some rose-spots appeared. On the 21st, after sleeping well, the patient's tongue, which had heretofore been red at the tip and edges and more or less coated in the centre, was found to be clean and natural, his skin of normal temperature, pulse 70 and appetite good; two stools were passed. After this he improved, but a diarrhœa, causing about three stools daily, persisted until November 4, when the bowels were reported regular. He was able to be up and to walk about October 3Oth, and was returned to duty November 10.