Title: Stowell, Martin A.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 225-226.

Keywords:clinical recordscontinued feverstypho-malarial and typhoid feversdeliriumpulmonary troublecrops of rose-colored spotspain in the head, back and limbsdiarrhœaabdominal tendernesstenderness in right iliac regionseminary hospital casestyphoid casestyphoid fever

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e2614

TEI/XML: med.d1e2614.xml

CASE 37.—Skin generally moist and intestinal symptoms not prominent; some delirium and pulmonary trouble; crops of rose-colored spots from 13th to 31st day; convalescence on the 37th day.—Private Martin A. Stowell, Co. A, 3d Vt.; age 21; was admitted Oct. 1, 1861, having been sick since September 21 with pain in the head, back and limbs, and diarrhœa. Quinine had been taken. On the day after admission he was looking natural although his face was somewhat congested; pulse 100, full and strong; skin hot and moist; tongue moist, white at the edges, dry and brown in the centre; he had some headache and abdominal tenderness. Spirit of nitre, camphor and tincture of iron were ordered. A six-grain dose of blue-pill was given on the following day, and repeated on the 4th, with two grains of extract of colocynth. On this day there was some delirium; the tongue was moist and yellow coated and the skin covered with perspiration. This was followed by frequent stools on the 5th, but the diarrhœa did not persist. During the remainder of the patient's sickness the bowels were moved twice daily for two weeks and once daily thereafter to the termination of the record. Rose-spots appeared on the chest on the 6th, the tongue became red at the margins and brown-coated in the centre, and there was slight tenderness in the right iliac region. More rose-spots erupted on the 8th; the tongue became dry, red and cracked, and there was tenderness in the left iliac and umbilical regions with borborygmus. On the 11th a few rose-spots appeared. On this day turpentine emulsion was prescribed. Delirium returned on the 13th and continued at times until the 18th, during which time the tongue, skin and pulse were unaltered, although a slight cough was developed. But on the 18th the tongue became slightly moist, and next day it was moist and clean, the pulse 72, regular, the skin of natural temperature although still showing some rose-colored spots, the appetite good, the abdomen tender and tympanitic over the transverse colon. Some rose-spots appeared on the 24th. On the 30th the patient was dressed and sitting up. On November 1 he was transferred to Annapolis, Md. [whence he was discharged on the 29th because of debility].