CASE.—Private Timothy Pender, Co. F, 3d Michigan Volunteers, was wounded at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia, May 2d, 1863, by a round musket ball, which struck the right side of the frontal bone, about one inch and a half anterior to coronal suture, fracturing both tables of the bone. The missile was removed on the field. He was admitted to regimental hospital; on May 25th, sent to Judiciary Square Hospital, Washington, and on August 3d admitted to St. Mary's Hospital, Detroit, Michigan. The wound was in a bad condition, and on examination the probe revealed necrosed bone. A crucial​ incision was made, and a ring of necrosed bone one-fourth of an inch in width and comprising both tables was removed, which had completely encircled the original wound. The operation exposed the dura mater for a space as large as half a dollar. The injury gave the patient but little trouble; he recovered rapidly; was discharged November 3d, 1863, and pensioned. On August 12th, 1867, Pension Examiner J. B. Seovel reports this man to be subject to vertigo and severe neuralgic pain in the head. He rates his disability three-fourths and permanent.