CASE.—Private Samuel D. Solomon, Co. G, 3d New Jersey Volunteers, was wounded in an engagement at Bull Run Bridge, August 27th, 1862, by a carbine ball, which struck at a point two inches behind the tip of the left ear and produced, apparently, only a scalp wound across the median line. He fell to the ground, but retained his consciousness. When seen by the surgeon, a probe was passed along the track of the missile the depth of two inches into the brain substance. The patient was sent to the 3d division hospital at Alexandria. The extent of the injury was not suspected, and the case was treated as a superficial scalp wound. On September 3d, he was admitted to the Broad and Cherry Streets Hospital, Philadelphia. Healthy suppuration continued, and a fragment of bone was discharged from the wound. On November 6th, the wound had healed, and the patient was returned to duty. Two days later he was admitted to the Ryland Chapel Hospital, Washington, suffering from a large abscess in the left ear. On December 5th, he was transferred to the Stanton Hospital. The discharge from the ear had not altogether ceased, and he was suffering constant headache, which was greatly increased by exposure to cold air; he also suffered from acute darting pains across the base of brain, from the right temple to the scar of the wound. No paralysis existed and the functions of the body were generally well performed. The cicatrix, though tender, was firm. After a few days, he was allowed, at his own request, to serve in the capacity of nurse; but, in two weeks' time, he was relieved from this task, as the pain and vertigo were unduly increased, and he was becoming pale and emaciated. He was discharged the service January 19th, 1863. Surgeon John A. Lidell, U. S. V., who reports the case, states, that it was the opinion of several surgeons, who examined the injury, that the missile still lodged in the cranial cavity. On March 2d, 1870, his claim for pension was still pending, and his disability rated three-fourths and probably permanent.