CASE 75.—Private George A. Chedel, Co. G, 16th Vt.; age 38; was admitted April 14, 1863, having been ill two weeks. Pulse 130, very feeble; respiration 28; pain in chest; cough hard and frequent; expectoration of bloody mucus; dulness​ and absence of auscultatory sounds over right side of chest, front and back, extending as high as the third rib, and puerile respiration in upper part; diminished resonance and crepitation over lower half of left lung. He died on the 17th. Post-mortem examination: Right pleura contained three pints, left pleura half a pint, of liquid, with floating lymph-flakes; extensive recent adhesions on both sides; middle and lower lobes of right lung hepatized, upper lobe congested; lower lobe of left lung in first stage of inflammation, upper lobe normal. Pericardium contained half a pint of serum; heart covered with lymph. Stomach congested; mucous membrane of lower ileum injected and softened; spleen enlarged and softened.—Third Division Hospital, Alexandria, Va.