CASE 55.—William H. Jones, unassigned substitute; admitted Oct. 6, 1863, with typhoid pneumonia. He had some looseness of the bowels, great dyspnœa and cough with rusty sputa​; tongue brown and parched, skin hot and dry; he was much prostrated, had slight subsultus and at night delirium. He died comatose on the 8th. Post-mortem examination: Right lung and lower lobe of left in a state of complete splenization; pleuritic adhesions on the right side; no effusion. Eight ounces of serum in pericardium; heart flabby and atrophied. Spleen and lower portion of gastro-colic omentum congested; lower part of ileum and descending colon ulcerated and containing pus; kidneys and bladder normal.—Act. Ass't Surgeon W. Leon Hammond, 1st Division Hospital, Alexandria, Va.