CASE 11.—Private Michael Messner, Co. H, 8th N. Y., was admitted Jan. 22, 1863, with chronic rheumatism. He had, moreover, just recovered from a severe attack of pleuro-pneumonia and was pale and somewhat emaciated. On the 24th he complained of sore throat and his cough assumed a rough, hoarse character, and was brought on by every effort at speech. After a time dyspnœa set in, his countenance became anxious, pulse frequent and feeble, skin cold and bathed in clammy sweat. He died on the 27th. Post-mortem examination: The mucous membrane of the larynx and trachea was red and presented a few patches of adherent pseudomembrane; the submucous tissue was œdematous. There were pleuritic adhesions on the left side. The heart was fatty.—Hospital, Alexandria, Va.